HSL Advanced Diagnostics Request procedures
How to order a test
There are two request forms for all tests offered by the HSL-AD service, organized as ‘Stain & Return tests’ and ‘Reported Tests’.
Our request forms are designed as editable PDF documents; we recommend that requesting laboratories complete forms electronically.

Stain & Return tests
Immunohistochemistry (ICH) / In situ hybridisation (ISH) / Molecular/Special Stains for stain and return

Reported Tests
Reported IHC/FISH/Molecular Profiling request form for staining/processing and specific report generation.
Please complete all request forms in full. In particular, three points of patient identification are required. Ensure that the slide/block and request form information match.
The patient identifications required:
- Surname
- Date of Birth
- Referring hospital laboratory/surgical number and block ID
The referring hospital/laboratory accepts responsibility for errors caused due to insufficient patient identification provided for diagnostic tests. For all interpretation requests, we use the specific reported IHC/FISH/Molecular request forms. Please select the appropriate form and complete all details.
Please note our Sample rejection criteria.
Urgent samples
If a report is required urgently, please mark the request form ‘Urgent’ and contact the laboratory via telephone or email. Please note only urgent cases should be marked as ‘Urgent’.